
Register with your email address

Oppure, solo se sei una persona fisica (NO azienda/associazione), puoi scegliere anche di registrarti con i social:

Forgotten your password? Enter you email address and you will receive a message with instructions to recover your password.

Forgotten your password?

Controlla la tua casella email: ti abbiamo inviato un messaggio con la tua nuova password.
Potrai modificarla una volta effettuato il login.

Did you received the email?

Produzioni dal Basso

ideas, stories and projects to be financed by crowdfunding.

€ 28,638,726 raised
9,601 projects funded
441 active projects
474,618 registered users

Choose to Produzioni dal Bass.

Start your online fundraising.


You are online in a few minutes and you immediately start you raising campaign.


We haven’t filters: everyone can upload his own idea.


Tutti i progetti con verifica anti-riciclaggio e donazioni sicure con carte, PayPal e bonifico bancario.

Funds immediately

The funds go directly to you: you don’t have to wait the end of the campaign.

The lower costs

With Lemon Way you have the transaction costs lower than ever.

Live chat

Our live chat is there for planners and donors.

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