A campaign of
Beatrice BarducciContactsForgotten your password? Enter you email address and you will receive a message with instructions to recover your password.
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Buongiorno ragazzi.
Mi chiamo Beatrice Barducci e seguo i Within Temptation dagli albori e non ho mai smesso di ascoltarli. Mi hanno accompagnato, e lo stanno facendo tuttora, in molte fasi della mia vita. L'ultimo album "Resist" mi ha colpito come un fulmine a ciel sereno e quindi, mi sono finalmente decisa a di fargli un tributo "da fan".
Lo devo ammettere ho un po' l'ansia da prestazione, ma mi impegnerò a fare un buon lavoro. Spero che, quando sarà pronto, voi possiate apprezzarlo e aiutarmi nella divulgazione.
Il progetto coinvolge più di 15 persone tra team di produzione, addetti ai lavori e performers. Il budget stimato andrà a coprire i costi di spostamento dei team coinvolti, delle attrezzature utilizzate e noleggiate per l'occasione.
Good morning guys. My name is Beatrice Barducci and I've been following Within Temptation since the beginning and I've never stopped listening to them. They have accompanied me, and are still doing so, in many phases of my life. The last album "Resist"; it struck me like a bolt from the blue and therefore, I finally decided to pay tribute to him. I have to admit I have a little performance anxiety, but I will work hard at it. I hope that when it is ready, you can appreciate it and help me in the dissemination. The project involves more than 15 people including production teams, professionals and performers. The estimated budget covers the costs of moving the teams involved, the equipment used and rented for the occasion.
€ 5.00
Secret Group
With this donation you will be placed in the secret group dedicated to the project to follow all the background and work in progress.
€ 10.00
Thanks in infobox
With this donation you will be included in the segret group, in the thanks in the infobox of the video that will be published on Youtube.
€ 20:00
Thanks in the End Credits
With this donation you will be included in the thanks in the description AND IN THE END CREDITS of the video that will be published on Youtube.
€ 50.00
With this donation you will be included in the thanks in the infobox, in the credits and you will have the possibility to see the result in absolute preview. Only after this, the video will be published on Youtube.
Files are only available to project sponsors. To see donate!
Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) costituiscono una serie di 17 obiettivi concordati dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite.
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