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The film:
What kind of movie Scherzi a Morte is?
It's a short comedy thriller movie, running about ten minutes
What is it about?
It's about the influence of the mass medias on the audience
Violence, for example?
Is it like those sociological and boring movies?
Absolutely not, as a movie it tells a story witj drama, suspance and thrilling
Why did you choose this theme?
Why not? Everyone is someone's else audience, tv and movies are just the excuse, we are trying to analyze the issues on the society
So, who's to blame?
Absaolutely no one, it just needs some attention
Could you be clearer?
Of course, we all need to humanize the medias, we need to be aware that some real people are behind entertainment, we can't be just passive
So what?
Reality and fiction both walk on thin lines, which are easy to cross and create consequences we didn't know or evalueted properly.
So there isn't a real bad guy?
"The weakness of the argument has always been that those who choose the lesser evil forget quickly that they choose evil" H. Arendt
Thank you, and good luck.
Thank you
Everything starts from the end. Eros, host of a famous tv show, is facing the thuth, no filters applied, as life comes for its bills.The rest is fragmented, just spot memories. Things to puzzle to recreate the happenings, the night those two freaks with clown masks entered Eros' home.Scherzi a morte is a chemical rush, it thrills you and makes you laugh, with megalomania and dirty games where reality just becomes more like fiction.How is it going to end?
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