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Help to re-build the school SnowManjushree

Una campagna di
Manuela Nerini


Una campagna di
Manuela Nerini

Help to re-build the school SnowManjushree

Help to re-build the school SnowManjushree

Campagna terminata
  • Raccolti € 75,00
  • Sostenitori 4
  • Scadenza Terminato
  • Modalità Donazione semplice  
  • Categoria Comunità & sociale
  • Obiettivi
    1. Zero Povertà
    4. Istruzione di qualità
    10. Ridurre le disuguaglianze

Una campagna di 
Manuela Nerini


Il Progetto

The pupils of this school in Nepal need our help to build more classrooms so that more kids can attend the school!

Have you ever thought that human beings are like grains of sands? Yes...but these grains of sands all together can create a wonderful beach!

During my last holiday in Nepal, I visited Snow Majushree School, a school that gives children the opportunity to live a normal life and get an education, two things that they probably won't be able to have outside these walls.

This summer, during heavy rains, one of the school’s walls in the garden fell down, and the small amount of money that the school had put aside to build new classrooms and host new kids, now has to be diverted to dealing with this new challenge.

Before returning to Spain, I promised these kids that once back home I would try to be a powerful grain of sand.

So, this campaign is for all those kids and the ones that will be there in the future. They need money so they can re-build the wall, keep on studying and have more space, which would give many other children the chance to lead a more normal life.

Even small amounts can make a difference, because even the smallest grand of sand is needed to build a beach!

Fb fan page: https://www.facebook.com/Bo-Gangkar-Manjushree-School-807080119311656/

Commenti (2)

Per commentare devi fare
  • RT
    Roberta Bella iniziativa
    • avatar
      Anna Muy buena causa y me alegro de aportar mi granito de arena. :) Un bacione, Anna.


      Questo progetto ha segnalato obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile

      Gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (SDGs) costituiscono una serie di 17 obiettivi concordati dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite.

      1. Zero Povertà

      Sconfiggere la povertà: porre fine alla povertà in tutte le sue forme, ovunque.

      4. Istruzione di qualità

      Istruzione di qualità: garantire a tutti un'istruzione inclusiva e promuovere opportunità di apprendimento permanente eque e di qualità.

      10. Ridurre le disuguaglianze

      Ridurre le diseguaglianze: ridurre le disuguaglianze all'interno e tra i paesi;