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No online advanced payment! The budget is divided into pledges and you can support a project by booking as many pledges as you like. At the end of the campaign if all the pledges have been reserved, the project is considered financed and you will be contacted by the project’s author to pay off the reserved pledge. The project author proposes methods of payment and directly gets the money!
Nel 1981 Pinochet privatizza la quasi totalità delle risorse idriche in Cile. Nei trent’anni successivi i diritti per lo sfruttamento dell’acqua vengono ceduti a grandi imprese e multinazionali interessate a costruire grandi dighe per produrre energia idroelettrica ad uso delle miniere del nord.
Berta è una delle persone che negli anni ’90 ha perso la sua terra, insieme a centinaia di famiglie, costrette a lasciare le proprie case e ad assistere all’inondazione dei propri campi. Marisol subirà la stessa sorte se verranno realizzate le altre dighe che Enel intende costruire sui fiumi della Patagonia cilena, una delle maggiori riserve d’acqua dolce del pianeta. Claudia attraverso la sua trasmissione alla radio, dà voce alla loro angoscia e prova a resistere al gigante che sta per calpestare la Patagonia.
Tre donne, legate alla propria terra, che a centinaia di chilometri di distanza tra di loro condividono un dolore, una rabbia, un destino.
En 1981 Pinochet privatizó prácticamente la totalidad de los recursos hídricos de Chile. En los treinta años sucesivos los derechos para el uso de estas aguas serán cedidos a grandes empresas multinacionales interesadas en la construcción de grandes represas en los ríos, con el fin de generar la energía que requiere el norte del país, y principalmente la industria minera.
Berta es una de las personas que en los años 90 perdió sus tierras, como muchas otras familias de las comunidades mapuche, obligadas a dejar sus casas y presenciar la inundación de sus ancestrales campos. Marisol correrá la misma suerte si finalmente son realizadas las represas que Enel pretende construir en la Patagonia chilena, una de las mayores reservas de agua dulce del planeta. Claudia,a través de su transmisión radial, da voz a estas angustias e intenta resistir al gigante que esta por instalarse en la Patagonia.
Tres mujeres ligadas a su tierra, que a muchos de kilómetros de distancia comparten un dolor, una rabia, y un destino.
A documentary about the building of five big dams in in the Chilean Patagonia.
In 1981, Pinochet privatized almost all of Chile’s water resources and in the following thirty years the rights to their water were sold to large companies and multinational corporations that intended to build large dams for producing hydroelectric power to supply the mines in the north of the country.
Berta is one of those people who lost their land in the ‘90s, along with the hundreds of families that were forced to flee their homes and helplessly watch, as their fields were flooded. Marisol will suffer the same fate if the other dams are erected that the Italian electricity company ENEL plans to build on the rivers of Chilean Patagonia, which are among the largest freshwater reserves on the planet. Through her radio show Claudia gives a voice to their fears and sorrows and tries to resist the corporate giant that is about to crush Patagonia.
These three women are tied to their land and, although they are hundreds of kilometres apart, they share the same kind of pain, anger and destiny.
Da un’idea di/Una idea de/From an idea by: Stefano Martone, Sebastian Arellano
Regia/Dirección/Directed by: Mario Martone, Stefano Martone
Ricerche/Investigación/Researched by: Sebastian Arellano
Organizzazione generale/Organización general/General organization by: Vitaliana Curigliano
Montaggio audio/Audio Editing: Davide Mastropaolo
Musica/Music by: Orchestra Joubès
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