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NEW! T-shirt Agglutination by Mojo Tattoo.
La raccolta fondi ha lo scopo di realizzare in agosto 2020 la XXVI edizione della manifestazione lucana che si svolge come ogni anno a Chiaromonte (PZ).
Oltre al concerto, per ogni partecipante ha rappresentato un grande raduno e un grande scenario di aggregazione giovanile oltreché anche l'occasione per visitare i numerosi stand di cd, gadget ed altro sempre presenti.
Nato nel lontano 1995 l'Agglutination Metal Festival é divenuto negli anni uno dei festival di punta del panorama rocchettaro nazionale, riuscendo ad attirare appassionati un pò da ogni parte d'Italia e non solo.
🍻 Un immersione nelle tranquille terre della Basilicata alle falde del Pollino, un'atmosfera unica, grande clima di festa e la possibilità di gustare i mitici panini con salsiccia locale cotta alla brace e dell'ottima birra artigianale.
Official Facebook page:
Official Website:
The fundraising has the object to realize, in August 20th 2020, the 26th edition of the lucan manifestation who every year took place in Chiaromonte (Potenza).
The historical festival had got on his stage huge bands like Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Venom, Gamma Ray, Edguy, Stratovarius, Mayhem Napalm Death, Sodom and many *others, the best of the both international and national musical scene!
In addition to concerts, for everyone Agglutination represent represents a meeting place and also an opportunity to check out numerous stands of CDs, gadgets and many other merchandising stuff, always present in each edition.
Born in 1995, the Agglutination Metal Festival has become over the years one of the leading festivals of the national rock scene, attracting fans from all over the country and beyond.
An immersion in the peaceful lands of Basilicata, at the feet of the Pollino mount with a unique atmosphere, a great festive atmosphere and the opportunity to taste the legendary sandwiches with local sausages cooked on the grill and some excellent craft beers.
Between a thousand difficulties and economic sacrifices, the festival has managed to hold out to these days to offer a unique and unforgettable show... you can keep this dream going you can help to keep it up and still offer an extraordinary experience.
Official Facebook page:
Official Website:
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